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Family in the true Irish tradition!
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The Ryan Clan

Ryans celebrated Christmas early since Kerrin and Dylan jet setted out for another trip. Patrick, who has a terrific job and is doing well, is continuing Monahan/Ryan trend and checking out doctors in Boston area. Knee, hand, everything still attached this week?


Bob - 4/15

Eileen - 6/6

Kerrin - 2/4

Brendan - 7/2

Katie - 4/28

Pat - 3/16

  • Moved into a new, safer apartment on 12/8. Received a promotion and a raise.

Mack - 10/7

  • Going to Washington DC for 8th grade trip.


Calendar Events

School Events

Katie is plannng on heading to Australia for another school trip

Special Events
Kerrin & Dillon expecting their 1st child